so that the nightie and beautiful, well-developed breasts could be clearly seen. As he laughingly said, "What's the good of having good girlish points and then hiding them!"

On subsequent weekends, when Nell was not there, Jean took the greatest pleasure in increasing my femininity to the utmost, and in particular she perfected my actions and mannerisms, SO that, as she put it, "Not even a panel of matrons could ever dis- cern the boy behind the girlish exterior." As a severe test, she loved to try out my femininity on unknowing males, whom she invited to the house, so that I could "seduce" them. She herself would play the part of a "voyeuse" from behind a curtain, always break- ing in at the critical moment, when it seemed that an errant hand must surely discover my secret. I used to get quite a kick out of such episodes, for they proved to me so conclusively that I was clearly acceptable as a girl, and as an alluring girl at that!

Soon after I left college, Phillip had to go to Australia, and Jean decided to go with him, so Nell and I lost touch once again with some delightful friends. What happened to "Phyllis" and whether "she" continued to enjoy a feminine life I never did know.

Of course, that did not end my feminine life, only changed it back to earlier days. I had not forgotten dear Babs, though she thought she had lost me, when she knew that Nell and I were going away for weekends and that we were clearly going as "girls", with Pat getting new frocks and frillies. I found that, after the al- most feverish excitement of time spent with Jean and Phyllis, it was restful and refreshing to return to the love and affection of my dear Babs. She was a kind girl and never openly reproached me. We were soon therefore, on our old footing again, though opportun- ities for petticoats were not quite so many and free as before. I had left college and had to earn a living. Much as I was tempted, I did not really want to go into the family business and be a sort of shopwalker. My mother was now a widow, and we decided to sell the business, and this we managed quite well.

There was also the underlying motive that I now knew I wanted to marry my darling, naughty Babs, though it was pretty certain I should then be to a large extent a "prisoner of the petticoats"--a rather attractive idea from many points of view. So I got a job in
